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Mission Mission Avcom Swashbuckling Mission
This mission involves Swashbuckling or simple interaction with NPCs.
You Are What You Eat
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Pointe-à-Pitre
Level: This is a level 45 mission, and becomes available at character level 40. 45 This is a level 45 mission, and becomes available at character level 40.
NPC: Chef Roger Etin
Rewards: Dubloons icon 4325 Doubloons
1875 Experience

The Master Chef
Allez Cuisine


The Most Dangerous Ingredient!

Information based on version Current game version is

The ingredients you have already collected for me will ensure I am ready for anything, mon ami. But to create truly spectacular cuisine, I will require the freshest herbs and seasonings these islands can provide. Meaning no offense, I feel I should collect these herbs myself -- it would not do to poison the judges with the wrong plant!

I am not, however, a fighter, I am in fact a lover. A lover of good food. And women. But especially food.

Would you be willing to escort me on an herb-gathering expedition?

I do not expect trouble, but one hears stories about the jungle ... I would hate to encounter any unsavory characters while gathering my savory herbs, ha ha.

Mission Notes

Perfidy Isle

Mission Objectives

  • Gather Missing Ingredients
    • Defeat the Smugglers: 0/4
    • Defeat the Ambush: 0/3
    • Defeat the Crocodile
  • Protect M. Etin