PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
Under the Black Flag
Nation: France-Crest Spain-Crest
Career: All
Location: France-Crest St. Augustine
Spain-Crest Villa Hermosa
Level: This is a level 12 mission, and becomes available at character level 7. 12 This is a level 12 mission, and becomes available at character level 7.
NPC: France-Crest Dimitri Davenne
Spain-Crest Ochoa Benayas
Rewards: Dubloons icon 980 Doubloons
186 Experience
France-Crest French Trade Union: Gain 50 points
Spain-Crest Spanish Trade Union: Gain 50 points

Looking for Trouble

Information based on version Current game version is

The trade union representative has a plan to take care of the pirates before they regroup. He wants you to fly their colors so you can get close to them and take out their leader.

Mission Notes

This is marked as a group mission. It is a sea battle against three enemies. You will only have to defeat the marked one, which is level 12. The others are level 5-8.

Mission Objectives

  • Defeat the Freebooter