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Mission Mission Sea Mission Avcom Mixed Mission
This mission involves both Avcom and Ship combat at various stages.
Pirates of the Burning Sea Tutorial
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Jenny Bay
France-Crest Charlesfort
Spain-Crest Vera Cruz
Pirate-Crest Marsh Harbour
Level: This is a level 1 mission. 1 This is a level 1 mission.
Rewards: 300 Experience
Bandages: 20
Tutorial Skill Pack
Information based on version Current game version is

Starting Out

This quest begins immediately after clicking the "Play" button at the end of character creation.

The first thing you need to do is move forward into the next room and talk to one or more NPCs, depending on your country. Once you've spoken with them, approach the door and click on it to move on, unless Spanish, in which case, walk down the stairs to leave the fort without changing to a different scene.

Swashbuckling Introduction

The next phase is your first avatar combat. Five or six Bilge Rats attack, depending on your nation; if French, you fight one in your initial area, then move on to fight the other five in the next area. The Bilge Rats are a group of pirates you will encounter many times so you might want to get used to seeing them. After killing all of the Bilge Rats, a nearby NPC will ask you to take command of a ship. Click on the boat or steering wheel as asked to do so. Congratulations, you are now the captain of your very own ship.

Sea Combat Introduction

In the next scene, you will be brought to the ship battle scene where you must destroy 2 Bilge Rats ships. This is easily done and once they are dispatched you need to sail towards the other ship, fort, or town in the scene with you and click it. For Pirates, sinking the ships ends the mission.

again find yourself in a room with several people, one of whom is lying on the floor. Speak with the man on the floor and he will tell you a sad tale indeed and tell you to take a map which is lying on the floor next to him. Click the map to pick it up, turn around and click the door to leave. Pirates do this portion before the naval combat scene.

Wrapping It All Up

Click the exit scene button and you will find yourself transported to your starting city's docks. Talk to the man on the dock (he has a different name depending on what nation you're part of) who has a ? over his head to complete the tutorial. Congratulations, you are now level 2!

Need more help?

If you need more help, check out Jack Penguin's Tutorials page! Or check Pirates of the Burning Sea.
