PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Mission Avcom Mixed Mission
This mission involves both Avcom and Ship combat at various stages.
The Revenge Business
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Maracaibo
Level: This is a level 25 mission, and becomes available at character level 20. 25 This is a level 25 mission, and becomes available at character level 20.
NPC: Zara Dominguez
Rewards: Dubloons icon 2450 Doubloons
480 Experience
Corsarios del Rey Gain 376 points

Sleep Tight

Information based on version Current game version is

The House of Trade is seeking a captain for hire; a Mr. Vera has asked me to locate one such captain. The only thing they told me about the mission is that you will be dealing with the Corsairs of the Main.

Mission Notes

Head over to the The House of Trade's Office. The door is behind Donato Alcón, whom is sitting on the steps on the other side of the shop door from Zara.

Blay informs you about a certain captain, Dragut Hassan, who was in command of a fleet carrying a nice haul. He betrayed his second in command, Morant Rais, by leaving them behind to bury the goods to be recovered later. Hassan sailed off with the treasure and Rais' ship.

Mission Objectives

  • Speak with Blay Vera for more details.

Islas de Cristo

  • Speak with Captain Morant Rais
    • Return to your Ship
  • Destroy all enemy Corsairs: 0/4