PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
The Order of Mercy
Nation: Spain-Crest
Career: All
Location: Spain-Crest Portobelo
Level: This is a level 15 mission, and becomes available at character level 10. 15 This is a level 15 mission, and becomes available at character level 10.
NPC: Spain-Crest Damiana Marita
Rewards: Dubloons icon 1070 Doubloons
255 Experience

Blue Blood Stained

Information based on version Current game version is

Damiana Marita has asked you to raid a British East India Company convoy. She plans to sell the captured goods in Portobelo to ransom prisoners of the Barbary Pirates.

Mission Notes

You will find yourself confronted with a fleet of five enemy ships (all between level 8 and 14). Three of these will be merchantmen (any one of which you can board to finish the mission), and the rest their escorts. The merchants will not all be of the same level, so check them all to pick the weakest target.

Mission Objectives

  • Defeat 1 Convoy Ship(s) in Boarding Combat: 0/1