PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Avcom Swashbuckling Mission
This mission involves Swashbuckling or simple interaction with NPCs.
The Old Hand
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Havana
Level: This is a level 50 mission, and becomes available at character level 45. 50 This is a level 50 mission, and becomes available at character level 45.
NPC: Alfonse DeGenaro
Rewards: Dubloons icon 4325 Doubloons
1875 Experience

[[Matters of Great Importance]]


Cold Case

Information based on version ... Current game version is

Seek out the learned Jesuit priest Maximo Montoya (currently living near Turtling Bay) and re-enlist him to the Star Chamber's cause.

He wil be guarded by some Mayans and will refuse to come with you. Talking to him completes the mission.
