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Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
The Luck of the Irish
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Bartica
France-Crest Tampa
Spain-Crest Sisal
Pirate-Crest Whitby
Level: This is a level 13 mission, and becomes available at character level 8. 13 This is a level 13 mission, and becomes available at character level 8.
NPC: Britain-Crest Nathan Liston
France-Crest Emil Delavant
Spain-Crest Marmolejo Concepción
Pirate-Crest Gunder Alif
Rewards: Dubloons icon 1550 Doubloons
208 Experience
Unrest Reduction: 1
Irish Whisky: x3

[[Irish Eyes are Smiling]]

Information based on version Current game version is

British briefing:
The Royal Navy has problems, because a large number of the service is Irish, but the Crown's policies in Ireland have been less than successful. This has lead to a high level of unrest among irish crewmen. Now an agitator has been offering his services to any nation that will offer anmesty to irish sailors. This man needs to be silenced - and since the magistrate can't send any of his ships (too many irish on board), you will need to capture him from the French before a deal can be made.

Non-british briefing:
The Royal Navy has a problem, Captain, and that gives us an opportunity. England's policies in Ireland have been disastrous yet it's navy is one-third Irish. Recently the British captured an Irish agitator. This man was offering his loyalty to any nation that will give amnesty to Irish sailors. If we can set him loose, he could do more damage to the Royal Navy than a squadron of 104-gun ships. I need you to rescue the Irish agitator from the British before they take him out of reach.

Mission Notes

You will not be the only one who wants that Irishman: there will be two groups of enemy ships in the area, both with three ships each - one British flotilla containing the ship you have to board and two escorts, and a group of pirates. You will have two NPC ships to support you. All ships except possibly your own are level 7-14. Your allies will use sail-damaging shot.

Finishing the optional objective doesn't give you any extra xp reward, so unless you want to go after the xp or loot for the ship kills, you might as well go for your target immediately (possibly first neutralizing her escorts).

Mission Objectives

  • Defeat the Merchantman in Boarding Combat
  • Optional: Defeat the Rival Ships: 0/3