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Build a Warehouse and Harvest Raw Materials
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Bartica
France-Crest Grenville
Spain-Crest Sisal
Pirate-Crest Cat Island
Level: This is a level 5 mission. 5 This is a level 5 mission.
NPC: Britain-Crest Freetrader Cuthbert
France-Crest Freetrader Fuseau
Spain-Crest Freetrader Soldevila
Pirate-Crest Freetrader Wellemsen
Rewards: Dubloons icon 650 Doubloons
100 Experience
Deed: Tanner (Basic)

The Economy: Start Production
The Economy: The Assistant of Bartica
The Economy: The Assistant of Campeche
The Economy: The Assistant of Cat Island
The Economy: The Assistant of Grenville
The Economy: The Assistant of Les Hattes
The Economy: The Assistant of Sisal
The Economy: The Assistant of Tampa
The Economy: The Assistant of Whitby


[[The Economy: Structure Overview]]

Information based on version Current game version is

Caribbean Economy flowchart

Mission Notes

This is the next economy tutorial mission.
You build a warehouse and the (Basic) Structure that the Freetrader provided.

This mission might be /bugged since (Basic) Structure(s) has to be built while in the Back Room of the Tutorial mission. Mine - was showing as a Red conditional and couldn't be completed, despite the Arrow pointing down to the NEW slot. -- ClericTaven

Here is an additional challenge, depending on which Tutorial deed you are gifted, it will be based on the Port Resources available. With Structure "Provisions" being added in build 2.15.x, you are also required to spend them for Upkeep to keep structures open. ie Lodge Provision. Chances are they are not available from Auction House, in that local shop.

Note: since your "Account" is limited to 10 Building slots per Nation, your previous Captain's established buildings may not allow this Tutorial to be completed with a secondary character. As easy as it is to build structures, rebuilding one might be required.

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