PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Mission Avcom Mixed Mission
This mission involves both Avcom and Ship combat at various stages.
The Devil in the Details
Nation: Britain-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Ambergris
Spain-Crest Rio de la Hacha
Pirate-Crest Carbaneras
Level: This is a level 21 mission, and becomes available at character level 16. 21 This is a level 21 mission, and becomes available at character level 16.
NPC: Britain-Crest Cornelius Porter
Spain-Crest Lino Buolo
Pirate-Crest Emil Marquez
Rewards: 800 Experience
Britain-Crest Roland's Pistol
Spain-Crest Rodrigue's Pistol

A Guest of the Mansion

Information based on version ... Current game version is

Once again you have been asked to visit the most influential man in town - apparently he has another job for you.

Mission Notes

You'll again have to visit the crimelord whose gangs have an iron grip over the town in his mansion. There he'll tell you that he wants you to deliver a parcel to one of his agents who is unable to approach the town.

Once you've talked to him, you'll find another man (see A Guest of the Mansion) just outside his room in the mansion who'll want to talk to you: he'll warn you of a trap and give you a slip of paper with his address in case you want to talk to him later (you won't actually get an item from him, but he'll be where you claim the reward for this mission).

Now you can start the mission and will find yourself some distance away from a single level 24 ship. You'll have to approach it and click on it, after which you'll be asked to come on board.

The captain's cabin: it turns out to be a trap after all. After talking to the Captain (level 21 Lieutenant-rank), he will turn hostile and two of his crewmen will appear as well (regular level 21s). Kill those three, then click on the door to return to your ship.

Once back on your ship, the level 24 ship you just came from will have turned hostile, so sink her as well (no other ships will turn up). Then go back to town to claim your reward from the guy who warned you, get some more details about his situation, and get the next mission.

Mission Objectives

  • Rendezvous with Casanova's Agent
  • Defeat the Captain and Crewmen: 0/3
  • Return to your Ship
    • Defeat the Enemy Ship

This is the start of a long and involved multi-contact story-line describing your showdown with the local crime lord.
