PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
The Brute
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Jenny Bay
France-Crest Charlesfort
Spain-Crest Vera Cruz
Pirate-Crest Marsh Harbour
Level: This is a level 5 mission. 5 This is a level 5 mission.
NPC: Britain-Crest Henry Cornelius
France-Crest Jean Brun
Spain-Crest Rosalinda Diaz
Pirate-Crest Aurelia Trinidad
Rewards: Dubloons icon 770 Doubloons
120 Experience
Hull Patch, Rough: 1

The Tactician


[[The Mastermind]]

Information based on version Current game version is

In your quest to get close to the local crime lord, your next target is his main enforcer and strong man, an individual called The Brute. He is said to be a highly dangerous adversary in close combat, which is why your contact advises you to go after him on the high seas.

Mission Notes

On loading in, you will find yourself in a small bay, with your primary target being in the closest ship. He will be in a level 5 ship with a (Fallback) rating. The entrance of the bay will be blocked off by a large number (about 8-10) of Ladrones pirate ships - about evenly divided between level 1, and level 14-15 opponents. If you stay far enough back while fighting the brute, the other ships won't come after you before you are ready.

You cannot board your enemy, so you must sink him. But in doing so, you'll have to be careful to approach his allies not too closely, or they'll start to descend on you. Best stay where you are and let him come to you.

Once you have defeated The Brute, you have to get past the blockade in the bay's entrance to the exit point. If you head straight for your target and have a repair consumable (or skill) ready, this should not be too difficult (you don't have all that far to go).

The Spanish version of this mission is "El Bruto" and the French version is "La Brute".

Mission Objectives

  • Defeat the Brute
  • Reach the Escape Route