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Mission Mission Avcom Swashbuckling Mission
This mission involves Swashbuckling or simple interaction with NPCs.
The Black Legend
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Villa Hermosa
Level: This is a level 11 mission, and becomes available at character level 6. 11 This is a level 11 mission, and becomes available at character level 6.
NPC: Itzel Esposito
Rewards: Dubloons icon 1400 Doubloons
165 Experience
Corsarios del Rey: Gain 150 Points

Fate is Sealed


Join or Die

Information based on version Current game version is

Since you have proven yourself to be capable, as well as trustworthy, I must ask for your help. Not as Hortun's wife, but as a Corsario del Rey.

This business with Hortun's brother goes deeper than it may seem to you. Menaldo Racoso, the Sons of Cortez coward who accused you of leading the Corsarios to them before he ran off, escaped with a map to a native town. Soon, the Sons of Cortez will be headed there to seek the same "salvation" from its inhabitants that you witnessed earlier.

We must stop him. Please help us, Captain. Not for my sake, but for theirs.

We should leave soon. The Sons of Cortez are brutes blinded by gold; there is no telling what they will do to those natives.

The truth of the matter is, that map is false. Maps to lost cities of gold have been floating around the Caribbean since shortly after Cortez arrived. Many of these maps were made by natives to lead the invading armies astray. Others are just maps, but the legends of golden streets and untold wealth make fools think a map to a fishing village might be the key to endless riches.

The Sons of Cortez say they are returning Spain to the power it once was. The truth is they attack and kill the natives, not for Spain, but to fill their purses with gold and their heads with false glory.

Mission Notes

La Choca Jungle
Itzel has hired you to help stop the Sons of Cortez who are raiding a native town. They have a map they think leads to a city of gold, and will not be pleased to find only a poor village. You will certainly be outnumbered, so have a good strategy or bring more help with you.

See the Bartender at El Toro Borracho for your pay.

Mission Objectives

  • Talk to Itzel Esposito about her plan to Ambush them.
    • Lure the Cortez to follow you into the Jungle
    • Defeat all Sons of Cortez: 0/25
    • Itzel Esposito Must Survive