PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
That Smug Smuggler
Nation: Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Spain-Crest Sisal
Pirate-Crest Whitby
Level: This is a level 15 mission, and becomes available at character level 10. 15 This is a level 15 mission, and becomes available at character level 10.
NPC: Spain-Crest Esperança Patyno
Pirate-Crest Delphine Weller
Rewards: Dubloons icon 680 Doubloons
255 Experience

Smuggling for the Smuggler

Information based on version ... Current game version is

Your client has located the rival that stole her shipment. As it happens, one of his convoys is passing through the area, so she's hired you to make sure the ships don't reach their destination.

Mission Notes

Receive this mission from Delphine Weller, who can be found inside the Church on Whitby Island.

Somewhat contrary to the mission briefing, you'll only have to kill one ship which will be about level 15, but in a fragile starter ship. It will be escorted by two guards between level 5 and 12.

Mission Objectives

  • Defeat the Flagship