PotBS Wiki
PotBS Wiki

Recent improvements[]

Working through the mission chains and documenting as I go. I am unsure how to clean up the City section(s) so they correctly correspond with the Contents layout.
ClericTaven 22:30, March 25, 2012 (UTC)

What exactly would you like to clean up? Great work so far :)
--C br IK 02:21, March 27, 2012 (UTC)
The topmost Headers for Important NPCs and Missions "sections" appear not to be editable; however, within the body of the Somerset, I was able to 'duplicate' them. The first text paragraph is fine for an Introduction, so appearing as first jump point would be best.
ClericTaven 17:32, March 27, 2012 (UTC)
I see... Those sections were added automatically based on the information from the NPC infoboxes. Looks like there are two templates for them as well... I removed that code, so now that information can be added manually.
Their creators tried to have them added automatically, like many things on this wiki. It's useful, but it probably wasn't the best approach in this case, since we need to add mission chains (and it would be pretty tricky to have them correctly added automatically).
I guess it's something to be expected in a game where people want a magic API to pull all data from the game files...
--C br IK 04:00, March 28, 2012 (UTC)
Excellent - looking good now. ~ Taven

In Game[]

Was this removed at some point? I cannot seem to find it on the in-game map. ---Drakenya 19:40, 27 July 2007 (CEST)

Nah, it's on the map just not a game port. Look in the north east of the map, there's a dot in the middle of nowhere. That's Somerset Island. I'm not sure what the dev have in mind with it. I think I will leave this page alone for brief period then delete only if Somer is completely removed (aka, the island or name disappears completely.) My personal feelings is that this island could be viewed more as an easter egg type. As it stand, it could be a cool meeting point. Could be cool to add a screenshot of the little dot on the map to point to where Somers island is!
--AdTheRat 10:59, 30 July 2007 (CEST)
Even if it's not an active town or whatever, it would indeed be helpful to have it as a possible landmark. --Mopster 11:11, 30 July 2007 (CEST)

It's really for the supernatural missions.