PotBS Wiki
Small Stealth Sails 1
Size Small
Location Sails
Category Small Sail and Rigging Upgrade Slot
Weight 0.25
Required Level 1
Insurance Value 0
Bonus Stealth, Open Sea: +6%
Source Small Stealth Sails 1 (Recipe)

Stealth Sails[]

Stealth sails are designed to be allocated to one of the 'Sail and Rigging Upgrade slots' (you only get two) on your ship. Your ship must be the appropriate size (see size of the right) and your player may be of the required level (see level on right) to use them.

Stealth sails can be purchased at the Auction House or may be obtained as loot after destorying another ship.

Using Stealth Sails[]

To engage in a ship-to-ship battle you need to be able to see the other ship whilst on the open seas and , click on it to select it and then once in range, fire on that ship. The purpose of stealth sails is to reduce your visibility on the open seas. The less visibility you have and the lower the risk another ship will see you and engage you in battle. This principle works the same both inside and outside PvP areas (the red zones).

To understand the open sea visibility on your ship click on the first icon which is 'Character & Ship'. Click on the 'Ship' tab at the bottom. In the left hand column under the 'Ship' heading, you'll see listed a distance for 'O.S. Visibility'. This is the distance at which other ships can see you. It is this distance that is reduced by the 'bonus' level (see value on the right) for the stealth sails.

Stealth sails are useless once you have entered into a battle with another ship. If you are interested in moving about the open seas and avoiding battle, or sneaking up on other ships to attack them, stealth sails are useful. However if you engage in battle with other ships a lot, other choices for your 'Sail and Rigging Upgrade slots' may be more valuable to you.
