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Exclamation Avast, matey! This article be outdated. Handsomely check if this here article still be shipshape. If so, smartly edit the | version = to the current game build (
'Mystique' Polacre
Type Ship
Recipe Book: none
Structure: Advanced Shipyard (Medium)
Master Shipyard (Large)
Shipyard, Large
Shipyard, Medium
Labor: 18 hour(s)
Cost: 1800 Doubloon(s)
Inputs: Anchor: 2
Cannon, Medium: 2
Cannon, Small: 20
Cannon, Swivel Gun: 6
Granite: 10
Large Hull: 1
Medium Fore-and-Aft Rig: 1
Ship Provisioning: 1
Sulfur: 2
Wood Tar: 5
Outputs: 'Mystique' Polacre: 3
(this info is based on version

Level 25 ship
