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Rebel Agent
Faction: All
Port: All
Port Location:
Associated Missions: Blockade (Port)

Free (Port)
Arming (Port)
A Dry (Port)
Supplies for (Port)
Wood Supplies for (Port)
Textile Supplies for (Port)
Metal Supplies for (Port)
Food Supplies for (Port)
Luxury Supplies for (Port)
Armament Supplies for (Port)

The Rebel Agent appears in every conquerable port and offers the Blockade (Port) quest and Unrest supplies line of quests to the opposing nation's players. The Blockade (Port) quest is daily repeatable to players within a given level range. The Unrest Supplies line of quests is repeatable until a certain number of contention points have been met. Both quest lines offer Unrest points and Marks of Victory as rewards. Check www.potbsatlas.com for availability.
