PotBS Wiki
Piece of Eight Exchange

A screenshot of the Piece of Eight Exchange.

A Prize Bronze Cannon can be bought for Pieces of Eight at the European Trader in your nation's Capital.

The Prize Bronze Cannon's are required for:

The Prize Bronze Cannon's are better than the Iron Cannons (Short, Standard, Long), they have increase damage (+5%) and reload (+5%). Besides that, the ships carrying those Prize Bronze Cannon's, seem to be faster (in terms of speed, turn rate and acceleration), have more crew and are more resilient (structure, armor, sails, and DR). However, they are very expensive.

Therefore, the Prize Bronze Cannon ships are suited for captains which are already experienced with a certain type of ship, and simply want the "best".

Every Prize Bronze Cannon ship is unique, for more information about every ship, click on the ships names above.

The most commonly used Prize Bronze Cannon ship is the 'Concorde' Frigate. Many experienced PvPers invest in the 'Concorde' Frigate for it's combination of having the Firepower of a Ship of the Line and the maneuverability of a Frigate.

The Prize Bronze Cannon ships are however not only usable for PvP, but also for Port Battles, PvE and even Economy ('Guardian' Indiaman).

The heavier the cannon (lb), the more Pieces of Eight you need. Look at the table below.

You offer

You receive
1 Piece of Eight Prize Bronze 6lb Cannon
1 Piece of Eight Prize Bronze 8lb Cannon
2 Piece of Eight Prize Bronze 9lb Cannon
2 Piece of Eight Prize Bronze 12lb Cannon
3 Piece of Eight Prize Bronze 16lb Cannon
3 Piece of Eight Prize Bronze 18lb Cannon
4 Piece of Eight Prize Bronze 24lb Cannon
4 Piece of Eight Prize Bronze 36lb Cannon
5 Piece of Eight Prize Bronze 48lb Cannon
This information is provided by the update that PotBS Wikia is undergoing, by Captain Vuur.