PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
Out of Enemy Hands
Nation: Britain-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Spanish Town
Level: This is a level 25 mission, and becomes available at character level 20. 25 This is a level 25 mission, and becomes available at character level 20.
NPC: Britain-Crest Catharina Paulsen
Rewards: Dubloons icon 2450 Doubloons
480 Experience
Information based on version Current game version is

Catharina Paulsen of the East India Company has hired you to stop a French Mississippi Company convoy passing near Spanish Town. The French seem to be sending a lot of convoys through the area lately, many of which include some strange cargo. This flagrant violation of British territory must end, and you're just the fighting captain to do it!

Mission Objectives

  • No Mississippi Company Trader ships can reach the escape point.
  • Defeat all Mississippi Company Trader ships: 0/2