PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
Nothing Is Ever Easy
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Santa Catalina
France-Crest Pensacola
Spain-Crest Cape de Vela
Pirate-Crest Jacob's Clock
Level: This is a level 19 mission, and becomes available at character level 14. 19 This is a level 19 mission, and becomes available at character level 14.
NPC: Britain-Crest James Chapman
Spain-Crest Escobar Gonzalez
Pirate-Crest Justin Marle
Rewards: Dubloons icon 1190 Doubloons
361 Experience
Stalwart's Hull

Definitive Proof


[[A Sad Message]]

Information based on version Current game version is

The Deputy Magistrate now wants you to retrieve the missing ship and bring her back into town. He will have an escort waiting for you when you get back.

Mission Objectives

  • Meet With The Allied Ship
  • Protect Your Ally
  • Get Your Ally to the Exit Point
  • Get to the Exit Point
    • Protect the Flagship
    • Destroy All Enemy Ships: 0/4

Mission Notes

This mission takes place in a nearby port:

This very aptly named mission has two parts to it. For the first part you have to go to another port, the second part takes place in the town where you received the mission.

For the first part, you will have to escort your ally to the exit point (click on him to get him to follow you). Your ally will follow you, so after talking to him, you'd better head for the exit yourself, or else your ally won't go there, either. There will be 4 opponents trying to prevent this, ranging in level from 17-19. Your escortee is very weak; because while level 18 himself, he is sailing a (Fallback) 'La Belle' Light Corvette which cannot take a lot of damage and is hopelessly outclassed in this mission. Try to draw as much aggro as possible by attacking each of the opponents in turn while running towards the exit point. After your ally has reached it, he will vanish - at this point you can make for the exit point too, or stay to finish off the pursuers.

For the second part, you will be in a similar, but more difficult situation as before: your opponents will again be four ships, ranging in level from 17 to 21. Your escortee will still be in his Light Corvette. He will be level 24 by now - not that it matters, because his ship is as weak as ever. This time, however, you must defeat all of the enemy ships, rather than merely running away from them.

Keeping your ally alive can get very tricky - the critical bit is right at the beginning, when they will all try to attack him by default. So try to get between him and the opponents right after this part of the mission starts. Again, attack each of them in turn to keep their attention on you. This also means you'll come under heavy fire (and if you don't, you'll probably lose your escortee), so come prepared for this.
