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Mission Mission Avcom Swashbuckling Mission
This mission involves Swashbuckling or simple interaction with NPCs.
Never See It Coming
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Jenny Bay
France-Crest Charlesfort
Spain-Crest Vera Cruz
Pirate-Crest Marsh Harbour
Level: This is a level 5 mission. 5 This is a level 5 mission.
NPC: Britain-Crest Henry Cornelius
France-Crest Jean Brun
Spain-Crest Rosalinda Diaz
Pirate-Crest Ebenezer Dignum
Rewards: Dubloons icon 950 Doubloons
120 Experience
Bandages x2
Smelling Salts x3
Quick-Draw Scabbard

Hell Hath No Fury...


The Bigger They Are

Information based on version Current game version is

One of the reasons no one -- not even the local Magistrate -- has been able to take down the town's Crime Lord is simple: he has employed a brilliant tactician, said to have sailed with Morgan himself as his strategist. The Crime Lord can see the outcome of almost any naval battle long before it begins, and he has exploited that to help the Pirate gangs and hurt us.

No one, not even you, Captain, has a chance against the tactician by sea, but I happen to know he's secretly been here in port for some time. The trouble is, we don't know where. I need you to ask around, locate and kill him.

I recommend starting with the Port Captain; he knows more about what goes on in the town than anyone.

Good Luck, Captain, and remember to move quickly and with discretion. Surprise is the key!

The Port Captain exclaims "That scoundrel?" I have not seen him in quite some time. His ship is being overhauled, so he's essentially trapped ashore. Now, if I was him - and I'm glad I'm not - I'd be laying low and avoiding enemies.

You want to ask the bartender. I can tell you he has not left the port by sea. The bartender should be able to tell you if he's sill in town.

The bartender remarks to your inquiry: Ha! No one knows where that bastard is. I know where he isn't; he isn't in the room he rents from me. He isn't in the room that the guards come by and search on a regular basis, upsetting my customers and disrupting my business. No, he certainly isn't there. If he were, I'd turn him out in a heartbeat for being a louse and villain!

If you'd like, you can check his room, but you're not going to find anything the guards haven't seen already. I can't imagine why they keep coming back. It's down the hall there.

Mission Notes

Apparently, laying low means being behind bars in the Magistrate's prison while sending out bribed guards to run his errands around town.

Flavor text from French version.

Mission Objectives

  • Interrogate the prison guards for any further clues
  • Gain access to The Tactician's cell

An additional quest Reward will be the discovery of a prized Treasure Map in his foot looker as a potential bribe to gain his freedom.

Tactician Chest
