PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Avcom Swashbuckling Mission
This mission involves Swashbuckling or simple interaction with NPCs.
Ministers of Grace
Nation: Britain-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Ambergris
Spain-Crest Rio de la Hacha
Pirate-Crest Carbaneras
Level: This is a level 23 mission, and becomes available at character level 18. 23 This is a level 23 mission, and becomes available at character level 18.
NPC: Britain-Crest Henry Coombs
Spain-Crest César Maca
Pirate-Crest Pascal Rancha
Rewards: Dubloons icon (none) Doubloons
(none) Experience

Demon Seed


When the Devil Drives

Information based on version

Now that the local priest couldn't help the girl, a friend of the family suggests bringing in a more experienced man of the cloth from another town. You have to visit this man and convince him to attempt an exorcism.

Mission Notes

You'll just have to go to the port indicated in your mission journal and talk to the priest to get the follow-up mission.

Britain-Crest Garrick Massey
