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Masters Shipyard (Large)
This massive shipyard is designed to allow the construction of multiple warships at the same time.
This structure decreases the labor used in recipes by a factor of 0.2
Lot size: 4 lot(s)
Labor Factor: 0.2
Effective Labor per Day per lot: 30 Hours
Construction time: 1 hour(s)
Produced by: Recipe: Draft Master Large Shipyard Plans
Requirements: You must be a Freetrader
You must be level 45
You must be conscious
Reputation with the port owner must be at least: Indifferent
Port must have Deep Natural Harbor
Construction Cost: 25000 Doubloon(s)
Construction Materials: Blocks, Lignum Vitae: 16

Blocks, Oak: 8
Hemp Rope: 8
Ingot, Brass: 12
Ingot, Iron: 8
Leather: 12
Logs, Oak: 80
Logs, Teak: 40

Upkeep Costs (for one week): 25000 Doubloon(s)
Effective Cost Per Lot: 6250 Doubloon(s)
Provides recipes: Recipe: 'Agamemnon' Bark

Recipe: 'Arcadia' Xebec
Recipe: 'Atlas' Bark
Recipe: 'Bermuda' Sloop
Recipe: 'Breton' Chasse-Maree
Recipe: 'Capricieux' Courier Frigate
Recipe: 'Capricieux' Frigate
Recipe: 'Cerberus' Courier Frigate
Recipe: 'Cerberus' Frigate
Recipe: 'Chaleur' Schooner
Recipe: 'Corsair' Xebec
Recipe: 'Cruizer' Snow
Recipe: 'Curieuse' Snow
Recipe: 'Currituck' Periauger
Recipe: 'Defiant' Frigate
Recipe: 'Defiant' Stripped Frigate
Recipe: 'Desperation' Raft
Recipe: 'Dolphyn' Ketch
Recipe: 'Dromedary' Indiaman
Recipe: 'Halifax' Schooner
Recipe: 'Hercules' Frigate
Recipe: 'Hermes' Packet-Boat
Recipe: 'Hiorten' Galeas
Recipe: 'Hornet' Gunboat
Recipe: 'Jamaica' Sloop
Recipe: 'Lexington' Brig
Recipe: 'Lexington' Stripped Brig
Recipe: 'Limburg' Flute
Recipe: 'Locust' Corvette
Recipe: 'Mediator' Cutter
Recipe: 'Mediator' Heavy Cutter
Recipe: 'Medway' Longboat
Recipe: 'Myrmidon' Frigate
Recipe: 'Mystique' Polacre
Recipe: 'Oliphant' Indiaman
Recipe: 'Otter' Skuda
Recipe: 'Postillionen' Frigate
Recipe: 'Renard' Chasse-Maree
Recipe: 'San Mateo' Galleon
Recipe: 'Santiago' Galleon
Recipe: 'St. Anne' Schooner
Recipe: 'Stralsund' Frigate
Recipe: 'Stralsund' Stripped Frigate
Recipe: 'Sultan' Flute
Recipe: 'Trusty' Longboat
Recipe: 'van Hoorn' Snow
Recipe: 'Zuiderzee' Yacht
Recipe: Colossal Hull
Recipe: Huge Hull
Recipe: Construct Huge Square Rig
Recipe: Construct Large Fore-and-Aft Rig
Recipe: Construct Large Hull
Recipe: Construct Large Square Rig
Recipe: Construct Medium Fore-and-Aft Rig
Recipe: Construct Medium Hull
Recipe: Construct Medium Square Rig
Recipe: Construct Small Fore-and-Aft Rig
Recipe: Construct Small Hull
Recipe: Construct Small Square Rig
Recipe: Construct Tiny Fore-and-Aft Rig
Recipe: Construct Tiny Hull

Uses recipes: Construct Refit: 'Mystique' Polacre

Recipe: 'Agamemnon' Bark
Recipe: 'Alexander' Fourth Rate
Recipe: 'Alymer' Lugger
Recipe: 'Arcadia' Mastercraft Xebec
Recipe: 'Arcadia' Xebec
Recipe: 'Athena' Frigate
Recipe: 'Atlas' Bark
Recipe: 'Bermuda' Mastercraft Sloop
Recipe: 'Bermuda' Sloop
Recipe: 'Bermuda' Trader's Sloop
Recipe: 'Breton' Chasse-Maree
Recipe: 'Capricieux' Courier Frigate
Recipe: 'Capricieux' Frigate
Recipe: 'Capricieux' Heavy Frigate
Recipe: 'Capricieux' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Cerberus' Courier Frigate
Recipe: 'Cerberus' Frigate
Recipe: 'Cerberus' Heavy Frigate
Recipe: 'Cerberus' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Chaleur' Schooner
Recipe: 'Conquistador' Frigate
Recipe: 'Corsair' Mastercraft Xebec
Recipe: 'Corsair' Sleek Xebec
Recipe: 'Corsair' Xebec
Recipe: 'Couronne' Galleon
Recipe: 'Couronne' Mastercraft Galleon
Recipe: 'Cruizer' Heavy Snow
Recipe: 'Cruizer' Snow
Recipe: 'Curieuse' Heavy Snow
Recipe: 'Curieuse' Snow
Recipe: 'Curieuse' Trader's Snow
Recipe: 'Currituck' Periauger
Recipe: 'Dauntless' Frigate
Recipe: 'Defiant' Frigate
Recipe: 'Defiant' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Defiant' Sleek Frigate
Recipe: 'Defiant' Stripped Frigate
Recipe: 'Deliverance' Frigate
Recipe: 'Deliverance' Heavy Frigate
Recipe: 'Desperation' Raft
Recipe: 'Dolphyn' Heavy Ketch
Recipe: 'Dolphyn' Ketch
Recipe: 'Dromedary' Indiaman
Recipe: 'El Dragon' Barque
Recipe: 'El Dragon' Mastercraft Barque
Recipe: 'Halifax' Mastercraft Schooner
Recipe: 'Halifax' Schooner
Recipe: 'Hercules' Frigate
Recipe: 'Hercules' Heavy Frigate
Recipe: 'Hercules' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Hercules' Pirate Frigate
Recipe: 'Hercules' Sleek Frigate
Recipe: 'Hermes' Mastercraft Packet-Boat
Recipe: 'Hermes' Packet-Boat
Recipe: 'Hermes' Sleek Packet-Boat
Recipe: 'Hiorten' Galeas
Recipe: 'Hornet' Gunboat
Recipe: 'Invincible' First Rate
Recipe: 'Jamaica' Sloop
Recipe: 'La Belle' Heavy Corvette
Recipe: 'La Belle' Light Corvette
Recipe: 'La Belle' Mastercraft Corvette
Recipe: 'La Diligente' Tartane
Recipe: 'Leviathan' Bark
Recipe: 'Lexington' Brig
Recipe: 'Lexington' Mastercraft Brig
Recipe: 'Lexington' Stripped Brig
Recipe: 'Limburg' Flute
Recipe: 'Limburg' Trader's Flute
Recipe: 'Locust' Corvette
Recipe: 'Locust' Mastercraft Corvette
Recipe: 'Locust' Sleek Corvette
Recipe: 'Lyon' Hoy
Recipe: 'Mediator' Cutter
Recipe: 'Mediator' Heavy Cutter
Recipe: 'Mediator' Mastercraft Cutter
Recipe: 'Medway' Longboat
Recipe: 'Mignone' Indiaman
Recipe: 'Mignone' Mastercraft Indiaman
Recipe: 'Mignone' Privateer Indiaman
Recipe: 'Mignone' Stripped Indiaman
Recipe: 'Minerva' Frigate
Recipe: 'Minerva' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Mordaunt' Fourth Rate
Recipe: 'Mordaunt' Sleek Fourth Rate
Recipe: 'Myrmidon' Frigate
Recipe: 'Myrmidon' Heavy Frigate
Recipe: 'Myrmidon' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Mystique' Polacre
Recipe: 'Oliphant' Heavy Indiaman
Recipe: 'Oliphant' Indiaman
Recipe: 'Oliphant' Mastercraft Indiaman
Recipe: 'Otter' Skuda
Recipe: 'Poseidon' Fourth Rate
Recipe: 'Postillionen' Frigate
Recipe: 'Postillionen' Heavy Frigate
Recipe: 'Postillionen' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Prince' First Rate
Recipe: 'Raa' Courier Frigate
Recipe: 'Raa' Frigate
Recipe: 'Raa' Heavy Frigate
Recipe: 'Raa' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Raa' Sleek Frigate
Recipe: 'Renard' Chasse-Maree
Recipe: 'San Mateo' Galleon
Recipe: 'San Mateo' Heavy Galleon
Recipe: 'San Mateo' Stripped Galleon
Recipe: 'San Mateo' Trader's Galleon
Recipe: 'Santiago' Galleon
Recipe: 'Santiago' Trader's Galleon
Recipe: 'St. Anne' Schooner
Recipe: 'Stralsund' Frigate
Recipe: 'Stralsund' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Stralsund' Stripped Frigate
Recipe: 'Sultan' Flute
Recipe: 'Tigre' Frigate
Recipe: 'Tigre' Heavy Frigate
Recipe: 'Tigre' Mastercraft Frigate
Recipe: 'Tigre' Sleek Frigate
Recipe: 'Trinity' Second Rate
Recipe: 'Triumphant' Second Rate
Recipe: 'Trusty' Longboat
Recipe: 'van Hoorn' Mastercraft Snow
Recipe: 'van Hoorn' Snow
Recipe: 'Wenden' Third Rate
Recipe: 'Zuiderzee' Yacht
Recipe: Advanced Huge Hull Construction
Recipe: Advanced Large Hull Construction
Recipe: Colossal Armor Planking 1
Recipe: Colossal Armor Planking 2
Recipe: Colossal Coward's Armor
Recipe: Colossal Double-Planked Armor
Recipe: Colossal Fool's Armor
Recipe: Colossal Heavy Flanked Armor
Recipe: Colossal Lightweight Halyards 1
Recipe: Colossal Lightweight Halyards 2
Recipe: Colossal Race-Bulit Hull
Recipe: Colossal Reinforced Hull 1
Recipe: Colossal Reinforced Hull 2
Recipe: Colossal Rig Catharpins 1
Recipe: Colossal Rig Catharpins 2
Recipe: Colossal Smooth Planked Hull
Recipe: Colossal Streamlined Hull 1
Recipe: Colossal Streamlined Hull 2
Recipe: Construct Colossal Hull
Recipe: Construct Huge Hull
Recipe: Construct Huge Square Rig
Recipe: Construct Large Fore-and-Aft Rig
Recipe: Construct Large Hull
Recipe: Construct Large Square Rig
Recipe: Construct Medium Fore-and-Aft Rig
Recipe: Construct Medium Hull
Recipe: Construct Medium Square Rig
Recipe: Construct Small Fore-and-Aft Rig
Recipe: Construct Small Hull
Recipe: Construct Small Square Rig
Recipe: Construct Tiny Fore-and-Aft Rig
Recipe: Construct Tiny Hull
Recipe: Fishing Smack
Recipe: Hercules' Hull Modification 1
Recipe: Hercules' Hull Modification 2
Recipe: Hercules' Hull Modification 3
Recipe: Hercules' Hull Modification 4
Recipe: Huge Armor Planking 1
Recipe: Huge Armor Planking 2
Recipe: Huge Armor Planking 3
Recipe: Huge Coward's Armor
Recipe: Huge Double-Planked Armor
Recipe: Huge Fool's Armor
Recipe: Huge Heavy Flanked Armor
Recipe: Huge Lightweight Halyards 1
Recipe: Huge Lightweight Halyards 2
Recipe: Huge Lightweight Halyards 3
Recipe: Huge Lightweight Hull
Recipe: Huge Race-Bulit Hull
Recipe: Huge Reinforced Hull 1
Recipe: Huge Reinforced Hull 2
Recipe: Huge Reinforced Hull 3
Recipe: Huge Rig Catharpins 1
Recipe: Huge Rig Catharpins 2
Recipe: Huge Rig Catharpins 3
Recipe: Huge Smooth Planked Hull
Recipe: Huge Streamlined Hull 1
Recipe: Huge Streamlined Hull 2
Recipe: Huge Streamlined Hull 3
Recipe: Large Armor Planking 1
Recipe: Large Armor Planking 2
Recipe: Large Armor Planking 3
Recipe: Large Armor Planking 4
Recipe: Large Coward's Armor
Recipe: Large Double-Planked Armor
Recipe: Large Fool's Armor
Recipe: Large Heavy Flanked Armor
Recipe: Large Lightweight Halyards 1
Recipe: Large Lightweight Halyards 2
Recipe: Large Lightweight Halyards 3
Recipe: Large Lightweight Halyards 4
Recipe: Large Lightweight Hull
Recipe: Large Race-Bulit Hull
Recipe: Large Reinforced Hull 1
Recipe: Large Reinforced Hull 2
Recipe: Large Reinforced Hull 3
Recipe: Large Reinforced Hull 4
Recipe: Large Rig Catharpins 1
Recipe: Large Rig Catharpins 2
Recipe: Large Rig Catharpins 3
Recipe: Large Rig Catharpins 4
Recipe: Large Smooth Planked Hull
Recipe: Large Streamlined Hull 1
Recipe: Large Streamlined Hull 2
Recipe: Large Streamlined Hull 3
Recipe: Large Streamlined Hull 4
Recipe: Lineship Structural Materials
Recipe: Medium Armor Planking 1
Recipe: Medium Armor Planking 2
Recipe: Medium Armor Planking 3
Recipe: Medium Armor Planking 4
Recipe: Medium Armor Planking 5
Recipe: Medium Coward's Armor
Recipe: Medium Double-Planked Armor
Recipe: Medium Fool's Armor
Recipe: Medium Heavy Flanked Armor
Recipe: Medium Lightweight Halyards 1
Recipe: Medium Lightweight Halyards 2
Recipe: Medium Lightweight Halyards 3
Recipe: Medium Lightweight Halyards 4
Recipe: Medium Lightweight Halyards 5
Recipe: Medium Lightweight Hull
Recipe: Medium Race-Bulit Hull
Recipe: Medium Reinforced Hull 1
Recipe: Medium Reinforced Hull 2
Recipe: Medium Reinforced Hull 3
Recipe: Medium Reinforced Hull 4
Recipe: Medium Reinforced Hull 5
Recipe: Medium Rig Catharpins 1
Recipe: Medium Rig Catharpins 2
Recipe: Medium Rig Catharpins 3
Recipe: Medium Rig Catharpins 4
Recipe: Medium Rig Catharpins 5
Recipe: Medium Smooth Planked Hull
Recipe: Medium Streamlined Hull 1
Recipe: Medium Streamlined Hull 2
Recipe: Medium Streamlined Hull 3
Recipe: Medium Streamlined Hull 4
Recipe: Medium Streamlined Hull 5
Recipe: Poseidon's Hull Modification 1
Recipe: Poseidon's Hull Modification 2
Recipe: Poseidon's Hull Modification 3
Recipe: Poseidon's Hull Modification 4
Recipe: Reinforced Bow
Recipe: Reinforced Bow, Heavy
Recipe: Reinforced Bow, Superior
Recipe: Reinforced Gun Ports 1
Recipe: Reinforced Gun Ports 2
Recipe: Reinforced Gun Ports 3
Recipe: Reinforced Gun Ports 4
Recipe: Reinforced Stern
Recipe: Reinforced Stern, Heavy
Recipe: Reinforced Stern, Superior
Recipe: Reinforced Structure 1
Recipe: Reinforced Structure 2
Recipe: Reinforced Structure 3
Recipe: Reinforced Structure 4
Recipe: Small Armor Planking 1
Recipe: Small Armor Planking 2
Recipe: Small Armor Planking 3
Recipe: Small Armor Planking 4
Recipe: Small Armor Planking 5
Recipe: Small Armor Planking 6
Recipe: Small Coward's Armor
Recipe: Small Double-Planked Armor
Recipe: Small Fool's Armor
Recipe: Small Heavy Flanked Armor
Recipe: Small Lightweight Halyards 1
Recipe: Small Lightweight Halyards 2
Recipe: Small Lightweight Halyards 3
Recipe: Small Lightweight Halyards 4
Recipe: Small Lightweight Halyards 5
Recipe: Small Lightweight Halyards 6
Recipe: Small Lightweight Hull
Recipe: Small Race-Bulit Hull
Recipe: Small Reinforced Hull 1
Recipe: Small Reinforced Hull 2
Recipe: Small Reinforced Hull 3
Recipe: Small Reinforced Hull 4
Recipe: Small Reinforced Hull 5
Recipe: Small Reinforced Hull 6
Recipe: Small Rig Catharpins 1
Recipe: Small Rig Catharpins 2
Recipe: Small Rig Catharpins 3
Recipe: Small Rig Catharpins 4
Recipe: Small Rig Catharpins 5
Recipe: Small Rig Catharpins 6
Recipe: Small Smooth Planked Hull
Recipe: Small Streamlined Hull 1
Recipe: Small Streamlined Hull 2
Recipe: Small Streamlined Hull 3
Recipe: Small Streamlined Hull 4
Recipe: Small Streamlined Hull 5
Recipe: Small Streamlined Hull 6
Recipe: Streamlined Structure 1
Recipe: Streamlined Structure 2
Recipe: Streamlined Structure 3
Recipe: Streamlined Structure 4
Recipe: Teak Armor 1
Recipe: Teak Armor 2
Recipe: Teak Armor 3

Information based on version