PotBS Wiki
PotBS Wiki
Type Manufactured
Weight 1
Produced By Cure Hides
Used By Emergency Hull Patch 1

Emergency Hull Patch 2
Emergency Hull Patch 3
Emergency Hull Patch 4
Emergency Hull Patch 5
Knot Rigging

The cured hides of animals serve many purposes in production and industry, due to their toughness, as well as their ability to be both flexible and rigid in different circumstances.

There are various ways to make leather.
The less demanding way will require two slots to produce.

The simplest way, you need a slaughter house, followed with a tanner.
The problem with this method is that it requires you to buy cattle from a boot strap and then port it to where you're slaughter house is. If you don't want to go about this way, you have two other options.

The first is by creating a hunting lodge, followed with a tanner. This method while still using two slots requires a tremendous amount of labor.

The second way is by producing Plantation in any port that has fertile soil, then harvesting maize, then building a pasture and using the breed cattle recipe, followed by taking some of your cattle to a slaughter house, using the butcher beef recipe, then using the crate of hides at the tanner. This method is cheap on labor and coin compared to the above method, however it takes four slots.
