PotBS Wiki
La Befana
La Befana
Hello, child! Have you seen the three kings?
Vital statistics
Title Christmas Exchanger
Faction Christmas
Affiliation Spain
Region New Spain
Port Vera Cruz
Port Location Near the Docks

A woman who dressed up as La Befana and hands out Christmas presents.

Notes & Trivia[]

Yearly Seasonal Event - Christmas in the Caribbean.

  • Befana can also be found in San Juan.
  • La Befana is a figure from italian folklore very similar to Saint Nicolas or Santa Claus, who delivers presents to children on the 6th of January (which is a catholic holiday). She is typically portrayed as an old lady riding a broomstick, and entering children's houses through the chimney.
  • This NPC also acts as an exchange trader - if you bring one of each of the possible reward items from the Holiday Bundle as well as a Crèche (reward for A Penny to Bury the Wren), she'll swap them for the holiday title and a special Festive Hat.

