PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Avcom Swashbuckling Mission
This mission involves Swashbuckling or simple interaction with NPCs.
Mission Solo Solo Mission
This mission may only be completed solo.
It Takes a Village
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Jenny Bay
France-Crest Charlesfort
Spain-Crest Vera Cruz
Pirate-Crest Marsh Harbour
Level: This is a level 1 mission. 1 This is a level 1 mission.
NPC: Britain-Crest Hitchcock
France-Crest La Fontaine
Spain-Crest Mother Crow
Pirate-Crest O'Barr
Rewards: 50 Experience
Commission Bogey-man: x3

Haunted Harbor


What's In Your Head?

Information based on version Current game version is

What? Oh, pardon me Captain, I seem to have been daydreaming.

I do have a task for you, if you are up for it. There have been disturbing reports of children disappearing at night from a village near here. It seems that when a household is roused, the child is simply missingg without a trace, and no indicators of abandonment or foul play.

Your talents can surely find application in this mysterious case...

Ah wonderful! Now, I believe I need a nap...

Mission Notes

Halloween Seasonal content
Touch each Scarecrow in order by following the Black Cat around.
Kill the Ghouls and Reavers inside the mansion. They will drop more Sugar Skulls.

Mission Objectives

Lugger's Reach

  • Investigate the Mystery
    • Burn the Gallows (Secret Objective)
    • Burn the Old Bones (Secret Objective)
  • Search the Mansion for any missing children
    • Defeat the Bogey-Man

Bogey-Man Description

The nightmarish Bogey-Man

Spooky Scarecrows