PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
Mission Group Group Mission
This mission is recommended for a group of up to 6 captains.
The Magnificent Escorts
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: CarbanerasPirate-Crest Carbaneras
Level: This is a level 20 mission, and becomes available at character level 15. 20 This is a level 20 mission, and becomes available at character level 15.
NPC: Captain Hildegond Pirate-Crest Captain Hildegond
Information based on version ... Current game version is

Ship outfitting - General slot Flexible Sails* Please note this is a non repeatable mission which allows the choice of 3 rewards. Flexible sails is the only speed mod, and is the only reward covered here.

All Nations ( not sure if different ports for nations, pirates is Carbaneras ) Ship Speed Category Ship Speed +5%, Close Haul Battle Speed +6%, Luffing Battle Speed +6%, Upwind Battle Speed +6%

3 part mission, only when the first 2 parts are complete will the 3rd unlock.

Location Carbaneras, Town Boss's Office Contact - Captain Hildegond

Mission Name - Highwaymen, Group Mission (6 Captains) Level 20 This mission is avcom based, easily done by a single level 50 captain, you have to defeat a number of attackers, and then a level 20 boss.

Mission Name - The Magnificent Escorts, Group Mission (6 Captains) Level 20 Shipcom, multiple captains recommended and/or commissions. You have to protect your convoy and get him to the exit point. 6 ships will try to attack him, all level 21 or under,  and the AI seems to like being a target! If in a group, use half to defend him and sink the incoming ships, use the others to move up to each fort in turn and destroy the fort. When you're close to the fort more ships will appear. Ships will continue to spawn until the fort is blown. if soloing or using commissions its best to stay at the start and sink the ships, then slowly move up destroying the gunplacements then the 2 ships that spawn. The mission is over when the convoy has reached the exit point.

Mission Name - Asleep at the wheel, Group Mission (6 Captains) Level 21 Shipcom Mission, Defeat 8 level 21 and under ships, aided by NPC pirates. Not difficult in the right ship.

Captain Hildegond will offer a further 2 missions with reward options afterwards.
