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Mission Mission Avcom Swashbuckling Mission
This mission involves Swashbuckling or simple interaction with NPCs.
Family Matters
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Ambergris
France-Crest Belle Isle
Spain-Crest Rio de la Hacha
Pirate-Crest Carbaneras
Level: This is a level 21 mission, and becomes available at character level 16. 21 This is a level 21 mission, and becomes available at character level 16.
NPC: Britain-Crest John Stevens
France-Crest Nicholas Larochelle
Spain-Crest Bitores Cotado
Pirate-Crest Edvard Spence
Rewards: Dubloons icon 2150 Doubloons
400 Experience
Information based on version Current game version is

Your client has just secured a lucrative business contract, but a competitor has hired a local thug to drive him out of town. This man is currently in your client's house, threatening his family. You are hired to deal with this thug.

Mission Notes

A Swashbuckling fight against a single level 21 Lieutenant-rank NPC.

Mission Objectives

  • Defeat the Intruder