PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
Mission Group Group Mission
This mission is recommended for a group of up to 6 captains.
False Choice
Nation: Britain-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Belize
Spain-Crest Maracaibo
Pirate-Crest Golden Lake
Level: This is a level 21 mission, and becomes available at character level 16. 21 This is a level 21 mission, and becomes available at character level 16.
NPC: Britain-Crest Baldwin Gibson
Spain-Crest Alberto Ortelano
Pirate-Crest Laurent de Cabezón
Rewards: Dubloons icon 2150 Doubloons
400 Experience
Cask of Captain's Choice Rum: x3

Cold Steal

Information based on version

Your client's rival has cornered the market on high-quality rum. Your client is certain that he could reproduce a similar product if only he had some casks of the original to compare it to. If you "liberate" a few of the rival's ships, he's willing to offer you a share.

Mission Notes

This is a difficult sea mission and should be done in a group. It can be soloed in a suitably high-level ship and with lots of patience and the proper tactics though.

You are on your own against a fleet of nine enemy ships, all between levels 17 and 21. There will be three escorts (which can be destroyed - or ignored if you dare do that) and six merchants, all of which need to be boarded.

Your opponents will all use dismantling shot on you, so come prepared with as many sail-repair skills and consumables as possible, and expect to spend most of the mission with limited mobility due to mast damage.

Mission Objectives

  • Board all Merchantmen: 0/6

Additional Notes

This mission is the direct opposite to Embayed Rum which is given out by the business rival of this mission's NPC. It also has the exact same reward (but is a lot harder to finish, so if you just want to get your hands on a Cask of Captain's Choice Rum, you should do the other one).

However, they are not mutually exclusive - you can have both in your journal at the same time, and you can finish either of them and claim the reward even if you have already done the other one.
