PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Mission Avcom Mixed Mission
This mission involves both Avcom and Ship combat at various stages.
Nation: Britain-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Spanish Town
Level: This is a level 25 mission, and becomes available at character level 20. 25 This is a level 25 mission, and becomes available at character level 20.
NPC: Britain-Crest Roland Healey
Rewards: Dubloons icon 2450 Doubloons
480 Experience
Information based on version Current game version is

Roland Healey, one of the senior Royal Navy officers stationed in Spanish Town, fears a nearby Spanish fort, long thought abandoned, may be occupied by smugglers . . . or worse. Visit the fort and make sure its abandoned - - and that the strange signals spotted offshore are not actually meant for criminals using the fort as a hideout.

Mission Objectives

  • The Fort Must Not Be Destroyed
  • Defeat the Fort in Boarding Combat