PotBS Wiki
All Wrapped Up with nowhere to go
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Britain-Crest Jenny BayPort Royal
France-Crest CharlesfortPointe-à-Pitre
Spain-Crest Vera CruzSan Juan
Pirate-Crest Marsh HarbourTortuga
Level: This is a level 1 mission. 1 This is a level 1 mission.
NPC: Pádraig Pearce
Rewards: 100 Experience
Holiday Bundle

[[Meet Pádraig Pearce]]

Information based on version Current game version is

(Will only be available during the Christmas Season).

Mission Notes

A yearly Event - Christmas in the Caribbean.
Find your Nations representation of a Santa Claus.
Your objective is to collect one each of the Holiday Tradeables.
Turn them in for that year's annual Title and a festive Christmas Hat to wear.

Mission Objectives
