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Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
About Those Wreckers...
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Port Royal
Level: This is a level 43 mission, and becomes available at character level 38. 43 This is a level 43 mission, and becomes available at character level 38.
NPC: Evans McCreedy
Rewards: Dubloons icon 3800 Doubloons
1265 Experience
Lucky Albatross
British East India Company: Gain 80 points
Dutch West India Company: Lose 50 points
French Mississippi Company: Lose 50 points
The House of Trade: Lose 50 points

Regarding That Freight


McCreedy's Freight

Information based on version Current game version is

I believe we must sail to Ruddy Cove, Captain, to get to he bottom of this mystery. I'd be happy to pay you well to get me there safely, and of course I may call on your services in the diplomatic arena as well, should that become necessary. In fact, I suspect you should do the talking while I stay aboard the ship. Apparently, I stand out as a company man. You're looking for a woman named Fortune Beeley, a woman who has been willing to help the company in the past ... for a price.

Mission Notes

Albatross Reef, near Rudy Cove
After taking care of a brief sea-based task at Albatross Reef near Ruddy Cove, speak to Fortune Beeley for your reward and to accept the follow-up mission.

You must have at least indifferent standing with the British East India Company.

Mission Objectives

  • Sail to the First Patrol Point
  • Help the Marked Ship before the timer runs out.