PotBS Wiki
Mission Mission Sea Sea Mission
This mission involves instanced ship combat (including blockade running, or rescue and recovery operations).
A Warm Greeting
Nation: Britain-Crest France-Crest Spain-Crest Pirate-Crest
Career: All
Location: Ruddy Cove
Level: This is a level 44 mission, and becomes available at character level 39. 44 This is a level 44 mission, and becomes available at character level 39.
NPC: Fortune Beeley
Rewards: Dubloons icon 1000 Doubloons
800 Experience
Sea Dogs: Gain 250 points

[[Business Venture]]


He's Got a Secret

Information based on version Current game version is

Have you heard tales of the wreckers that dwell in these parts, Captain? They're not an organized group or anything so grand. No, wrecking describes more of a way of life in places like Ruddy Cove. We have a deep harbor, but only a careful pilot can bring a heavily laden merchantman in past the outer reefs. We're situated along some major shipping lanes but most merchantmen pass right on by, and straight into the waiting traps of the wreckers.

All well and good, but the wreckers are now doing so well some pretty important types are taking an interest. The Sea Dogs, well, they think the wreckers have got a brilliant system going that can only be improved. The East India Company? Why, they're no fools. They know there's no way to stop the wreckers not entirely. But they'd love to use Ruddy Cove as a stopover in the trade lanes and drive out the Mississippi once and for all.

Me, I like the Mississippi Company right where they are -- manageable and complacent -- so I'm with the Sea Dogs. The Company's got plenty of outposts they need to defend, but the Dogs can put a lot of resources into this.

You up for playing a part in this business venture?

You want the Sea Dogs to come out on top, then sail out and escort a few of them into town so they can meet with some of the local wrecker bosses I've been chatting up. You can't miss them, they're just over the horizon. And if you run into the British, sink them, Captain. We can't have the Company thinking they're welcome here.

Mission Notes

Albatross Reef

Mission Objectives

  • Protect the Sea Dog Pirates
  • Defeat British Ships